using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Configuration.Install; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Security.Principal; using System.Windows.Forms; using NetFwTypeLib; using NETCONLib; namespace MSR.LST.Net { /// /// WARNING: This class does not inform the user that the firewall punchthrough is being added. Applications /// should always inform the user when adding punchthroughs to the firewall, for security reasons. /// public abstract class FirewallUtility { #region Constants // Constants for accessing the SP2 firewall through COM const string INetFwMgrGuid = "{304CE942-6E39-40D8-943A-B913C40C9CD4}"; const string INetFwAuthorizedApplicationGuid = "{EC9846B3-2762-4A6B-A214-6ACB603462D2}"; const string INetFwOpenPortGuid = "{0CA545C6-37AD-4A6C-BF92-9F7610067EF5}"; // Constants from the Win32 API for the Internet Connection Firewall const byte NAT_PROTOCOL_TCP = 6; const byte NAT_PROTOCOL_UDP = 17; #endregion #region Any-Version Firewall Methods /// /// Adds an exception(s) to either a 2003 or XP SP2 firewall. /// /// The name of the exception to be added for both types of firewalls. /// The ports to be added to Win2003 firewalls. /// An array of ProtocolTypes for each port. /// The path of the application being added (for new, SP2 firewalls). public static void AddFirewallException (string exceptionName, ushort[] ports, ProtocolType[] protocols, string appPath) { if (HasVistaFirewall) { AddAppToVistaFirewall(exceptionName, appPath); } else if (HasSp2Firewall) { if (Sp2FirewallEnabled) { AddAppToSP2Firewall(exceptionName, appPath, "*", true); } } else { if (ports.Length != protocols.Length) throw new ArgumentException(Strings.PortsAndPortTypesSameLength); for (int cnt = 0; cnt < ports.Length; ++cnt) { AddOldFirewallPort(exceptionName, ports[cnt], protocols[cnt]); } } } /// /// Removes an exception(s) from firewall. /// /// The name of the exception to be removed for any type of firewall. /// The ports to be removed to Win2003 firewalls. /// An array of ProtocolTypes for each port. /// The path of the application being removed (for new, SP2 firewalls). public static void RemoveFirewallException (string exceptionName, ushort[] ports, ProtocolType[] protocols, string appPath) { if (HasVistaFirewall) { RemoveAppFromVistaFirewall(exceptionName); } else if (HasSp2Firewall) { if (Sp2FirewallEnabled) { RemoveAppFromSP2Firewall(appPath); } } else { if (ports.Length != protocols.Length) throw new ArgumentException(Strings.PortsAndPortTypesSameLength); for (int cnt = 0; cnt < ports.Length; ++cnt) { RemoveOldFirewallPort(exceptionName, ports[cnt], protocols[cnt]); } } } #endregion #region Vista and later Firewall Methods /// /// Add the exception rule for all profiles and all protocols. /// /// /// /// false if the firewall type isn't available, true for successful completion. public static bool AddAppToVistaFirewall(string ruleName, string appPath) { Type fwPolicy2Type = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("HNetCfg.FwPolicy2"); if (fwPolicy2Type == null) { return false; } INetFwPolicy2 fwPolicy2 = (INetFwPolicy2)System.Activator.CreateInstance(fwPolicy2Type); INetFwRule fwRule = (INetFwRule)System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("HNetCfg.FwRule")); fwRule.Name = ruleName; fwRule.ApplicationName = appPath; fwRule.Enabled = true; fwPolicy2.Rules.Add(fwRule); return true; } /// /// Add a ports/protocol exception rule for all profiles for Vista or later firewall /// /// /// /// false if the firewall type isn't available, true for successful completion. public static bool AddPortExceptionToVistaFirewall(string ruleName, string ports, NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL_ protocol) { Type fwPolicy2Type = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("HNetCfg.FwPolicy2"); if (fwPolicy2Type == null) { return false; } INetFwPolicy2 fwPolicy2 = (INetFwPolicy2)System.Activator.CreateInstance(fwPolicy2Type); INetFwRule fwRule = (INetFwRule)System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("HNetCfg.FwRule")); fwRule.Name = ruleName; fwRule.Protocol = (int)protocol; fwRule.LocalPorts = ports; fwRule.Enabled = true; fwPolicy2.Rules.Add(fwRule); return true; } public static void RemoveAppFromVistaFirewall(string ruleName) { Type fwPolicy2Type = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("HNetCfg.FwPolicy2"); if (fwPolicy2Type == null) { return; } INetFwPolicy2 fwPolicy2 = (INetFwPolicy2)System.Activator.CreateInstance(fwPolicy2Type); fwPolicy2.Rules.Remove(ruleName); } public static bool HasVistaFirewall { get { try { Type fwPolicy2Type = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("HNetCfg.FwPolicy2"); if (fwPolicy2Type == null) { return false; } INetFwPolicy2 fwPolicy2 = (INetFwPolicy2)System.Activator.CreateInstance(fwPolicy2Type); } catch { return false; } return true; } } #endregion Vista and later Firewall Methods #region XP SP2-specific Firewall Methods /// /// Attempts to determine if the computer has a Windows XP SP2 compatible firewall. /// public static bool HasSp2Firewall { get { try { INetFwMgr fwMgr = (INetFwMgr) Activator.CreateInstance( Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid(INetFwMgrGuid)), true); INetFwAuthorizedApplication fwAA = (INetFwAuthorizedApplication) Activator.CreateInstance( Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid(INetFwAuthorizedApplicationGuid)), true); } catch { return false; } return true; } } /// /// Returns true if the comptuer's SP2 firewall is enabled. /// /// /// Throws if this computer does not have an SP2 firewall. /// public static bool Sp2FirewallEnabled { get { try { INetFwMgr fwMgr = (INetFwMgr) Activator.CreateInstance( Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid(INetFwMgrGuid)), true); return fwMgr.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile.FirewallEnabled; } catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException) { // This exception occurrs on a machine not running the service for the firewall, but only on // machines that have the firewall installed. Therefore, the firewall is installed but not // enabled, so we just return false. This happens by default after you install 2003 SP1 (bug?). // Expected exception msg: "There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper"... return false; } } } /// /// Adds an application with specified parameters to a XP SP2-compatible firewall exception list. /// /// Title of the rule /// Full path of the image /// Space seperated network addresses permitted to access the application /// (e.g. "LocalSubnet", "*", "") /// If the exception rule should be enabled /// /// WARNING: This method does not inform the user that the firewall punchthrough is being added. Applications /// should always inform the user when adding punchthroughs to the firewall, for security reasons. /// public static void AddAppToSP2Firewall(String name, String imageName, String strLocalSubnet, bool enabled) { // Instantiating the HNetCfg.NetFwMgr object to get "LocalPolicy" and then "CurrentProfile" INetFwMgr fwMgr = (INetFwMgr) Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid(INetFwMgrGuid)), true); INetFwPolicy fwPolicy = fwMgr.LocalPolicy; INetFwProfile fwProfile = fwPolicy.CurrentProfile; // Checking got skipped since the entry gets update if exist and inserted if not // (No check necessary); Check if the entry already exists. "System.IO.FileNotFoundException" // will be thrown if entry doesn't exist. // fwAA = fwProfile.AuthorizedApplications.Item(imageName); // Instantiating the HNetCfg.NetFwAuthorizedApplication object INetFwAuthorizedApplication fwAA = (INetFwAuthorizedApplication) Activator.CreateInstance( Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid(INetFwAuthorizedApplicationGuid)), true); // Assigning values to the AuthorizedApplication to be added to the firewall permission list. // Make this entry Enabled/Disabled fwAA.Enabled = enabled; // The friendly name for this "Exception" rule fwAA.Name = name; // Whether only the local subnet can access this application or not fwAA.RemoteAddresses = strLocalSubnet; // The image name full path fwAA.ProcessImageFileName = imageName; // Adding AuthorizedApplication to the Exception List fwProfile.AuthorizedApplications.Add(fwAA); } /// /// Removes an application from an XP SP2-compatible firewall exception list. /// /// Full name of image to be removed from FW exception list /// /// WARNING: This method does not inform the user that the firewall punchthrough is being added. Applications /// should always inform the user when adding punchthroughs to the firewall, for security reasons. /// public static void RemoveAppFromSP2Firewall(String imageName) { // Instantiating the HNetCfg.NetFwMgr object to get "LocalPolicy" and then "CurrentProfile" INetFwMgr fwMgr = (INetFwMgr) Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid(INetFwMgrGuid)), true); INetFwPolicy fwPolicy = fwMgr.LocalPolicy; INetFwProfile fwProfile = fwPolicy.CurrentProfile; // Remove application from exception rule list fwProfile.AuthorizedApplications.Remove(imageName); } public static void AddPortExceptionToSP2Firewall(string name, int port, NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL_ protocol) { // Instantiating the HNetCfg.NetFwMgr object to get "LocalPolicy" and then "CurrentProfile" INetFwMgr fwMgr = (INetFwMgr)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid(INetFwMgrGuid)), true); INetFwPolicy fwPolicy = fwMgr.LocalPolicy; INetFwProfile fwProfile = fwPolicy.CurrentProfile; INetFwOpenPort fwOpenPort = (INetFwOpenPort)Activator.CreateInstance( Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid(INetFwOpenPortGuid)), true); fwOpenPort.Name = name; fwOpenPort.Port = port; fwOpenPort.Protocol = protocol; fwOpenPort.Enabled = true; fwProfile.GloballyOpenPorts.Add(fwOpenPort); } public static void RemovePortExceptionFromSP2Firewall(int port, NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL_ protocol) { // Instantiating the HNetCfg.NetFwMgr object to get "LocalPolicy" and then "CurrentProfile" INetFwMgr fwMgr = (INetFwMgr) Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid(INetFwMgrGuid)), true); INetFwPolicy fwPolicy = fwMgr.LocalPolicy; INetFwProfile fwProfile = fwPolicy.CurrentProfile; // Remove application from exception rule list fwProfile.GloballyOpenPorts.Remove(port, protocol); } #endregion #region Pre-SP2 or 2003 Firewall Methods /// /// Returns true if this computer has a Pre-SP2 firewall enabled on any connection. /// /// /// This value may or may not be true, even if the computer has an SP2 firewall. If this /// computer has an SP2-compatible firewall, this value should be ignored. /// public static bool OldFirewallEnabled { get { INetSharingManager mgr = new NetSharingManagerClass(); // Iterate through all of the available connections foreach(INetConnection iCon in mgr.EnumEveryConnection) { INetSharingConfiguration iShareConfig = mgr.get_INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection(iCon); if( iShareConfig.InternetFirewallEnabled ) // skip this connection if the firewall is disabled { return true; } } return false; } } /// /// Checks to find whether the Windows XP/2003 Firewall is enabled on adapters and if so it opens ports. /// /// Name of the Port Map to look for /// Port Number /// true if TCP, false if UDP /// /// WARNING: This method does not inform the user that the firewall punchthrough is being added. Applications /// should always inform the user when adding punchthroughs to the firewall, for security reasons. /// public static void AddOldFirewallPort(string portMapName, ushort port, ProtocolType protocol) { ValidateForOldCompatibleFirewall(); ValidateAdministrator(); // Get the protocolAsByte ICF constant byte protocolAsByte = ConvertAndValidateProtocol(protocol); INetSharingManager mgr = new NetSharingManagerClass(); // Iterate through all of the available connections foreach(INetConnection iCon in mgr.EnumEveryConnection) { INetSharingConfiguration iShareConfig = mgr.get_INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection(iCon); if( iShareConfig.InternetFirewallEnabled ) // skip this connection if the firewall is disabled { // Make sure that this firewall doesn't already have a port map for the same port bool portMapExists = false; foreach(INetSharingPortMapping portMap in iShareConfig.get_EnumPortMappings(tagSHARINGCONNECTION_ENUM_FLAGS.ICSSC_ENABLED)) { if ((ushort)(portMap.Properties.ExternalPort) == port && portMap.Properties.IPProtocol == protocolAsByte) { portMapExists = true; break; } } if (!portMapExists) { // Finally, add & enable the new port map INetSharingPortMapping newPortMap = iShareConfig.AddPortMapping(portMapName, protocolAsByte, port, port, 0, SystemInformation.ComputerName, tagICS_TARGETTYPE.ICSTT_NAME); newPortMap.Enable(); } } } } /// /// Checks to find whether the Windows XP/2003 Firewall is enabled on adapters and if so it opens ports. /// /// Name of the Port Map to look for (must be the same as when it was added) /// Port Number /// true if TCP, false if UDP /// /// WARNING: This method does not inform the user that the firewall punchthrough is being added. Applications /// should always inform the user when adding punchthroughs to the firewall, for security reasons. /// public static void RemoveOldFirewallPort(string portMapName, ushort port, ProtocolType protocol) { ValidateForOldCompatibleFirewall(); ValidateAdministrator(); byte protocolAsByte = ConvertAndValidateProtocol(protocol); INetSharingManager mgr = new NetSharingManagerClass(); // Iterate through all of the available connections foreach(INetConnection iCon in mgr.EnumEveryConnection) { INetSharingConfiguration iShareConfig = mgr.get_INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection(iCon); if( iShareConfig.InternetFirewallEnabled ) // skip this connection if the firewall is disabled { foreach(INetSharingPortMapping portMap in iShareConfig.get_EnumPortMappings(tagSHARINGCONNECTION_ENUM_FLAGS.ICSSC_ENABLED)) { // Remove this port mapping only if the name & port match if ((ushort)(portMap.Properties.ExternalPort) == port && portMap.Properties.IPProtocol == protocolAsByte) { if (String.Compare(portMap.Properties.Name, portMapName) == 0) { iShareConfig.RemovePortMapping(portMap); } } } } } } #endregion #region Private Helper Methods private static void ValidateForOldCompatibleFirewall() { // Check the OS version and return if not Windows XP or greater OperatingSystem os = System.Environment.OSVersion; if (os.Version.Major < 5) // earlier than Win2K throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.OSMustBeWindowsXPSP2OrGreater); if (os.Version.Major == 5 && os.Version.Minor < 1) // Win2K but not XP throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.OSMustBeWindowsXPSP2OrGreater); if( HasSp2Firewall ) // Skip computers with firewall == SP2's firewall (i.e. NOT XP pre-SP2 & Win2K3) throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.DoNotCallAddPortToOldFirewall); } private static void ValidateAdministrator() { // Check to make sure we're in an Administrator role, as Limited accounts don't have access to read or write the Firewall settings WindowsPrincipal wp = new WindowsPrincipal(WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent()); if (wp.IsInRole(WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator) == false) throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.YouMustBeAnAdministratorToModify); } private static byte ConvertAndValidateProtocol(ProtocolType protocol) { switch(protocol) { case ProtocolType.Tcp: return FirewallUtility.NAT_PROTOCOL_TCP; case ProtocolType.Udp: return FirewallUtility.NAT_PROTOCOL_UDP; default: throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.ProtocolIsNotSupported); } } #endregion } }